
The emotional benefits of weight loss

There are many people out there who know that they need to lose weight. However, the majority of the time this is because they know of the physical implications often associated with overweight, for example, being more susceptible to some diseases e.g. cancer or heart diseases, and in general, living for a much shorter period of time. What many people don’t realise however is that there are a number of emotional benefits to weight loss. Let’s take a little look at a couple of them. 

Perhaps the biggest emotional benefits is that weight loss (and the exercise associated with it) can help relieve stress. This is because endorphins are released into the blood stream, and these endorphins are known to ‘perk’ you up. Therefore, losing weight, and keeping to a regular exercise regime should help boost your ‘happiness’ levels. Studies have also shown that those who exercise regularly are much better equipped to deal with stress in the future. 

Of course, there are a number of self-esteem issues related to losing weight. For example, the majority of people out there who consider themselves to be overweight are incredibly reluctant to go out in public, let alone ‘show off their bodies’. They often fear going to the beach, or swimming pools were they are exposed to the public. However, when people start to lose weight, they will find that they become much more confident in how they look. Every time they look in the mirror they get a small self-esteem boost, knowing what they have accomplished and what they are working towards. Ever notice people who have lost a lot of weight tend to be more outgoing? This of course will have benefits for people that find it difficult to enter relationships as they feel they aren’t worth anything. 

Many people love the success of losing weight. There is just so much pleasure you can get out of feeling as though you have ‘beaten’ something in your life, whether it is an eating disorder, or simply the feeling that you have beaten anything that was causing you to gain weight in the first place. Achieving your first success is a great motivator for the future. 

Many people that are overweight tend to place an ‘over reliance’ on food, and instead of expressing how they are feeling, they use food as a ‘crutch’. However, once they lose weight they will turn to food less and find other and much better ways of expressing themselves, much more positive and building ways. 
Finally, it will make you feel absolutely wonderful knowing that you can lead your life in the same way as much ‘slimmer’ people. For example, overweight people tend to feel persecuted, for example, having to buy multiple seats to enter a sporting arena or fly on a plane. They often have to shop in special places for their clothes and furniture. However, once they lose weight, they can start living a normal life, and this of course helps them feel much better as a result. 

So there you have it, when you are losing weight, look forward to the long term emotional benefits that you are going to be provided with as well as the physical benefits. It really will help add to your motivation! 

Happy Weight Loss !

Written by Jim Cowan 
For Weight Loss and Training see http://weightlossandtraining.com


A Miracle Mushroom Called Reishi

Reishi has always been identified with longevity owing to its innumerable health benefits. The earliest usage of this wonder mushroom can be traced back in China close to 500 BC. This mushroom is consumed even to this day, albeit in different forms. While few people prefer having them in dry form, others take it in the form of supplements. The presence of Ganoderma and other vital ingredients in the mushroom, all vital organs inside the human body is well protected.

The mushroom is really efficient in improving our immune system. The important components that assist this mushroom in delivering results are terpenese and polysaccharides. Users who have had medical problems in the past and are trying to get out of it will find a lot of solace through this mushroom.

This miracle mushroom is also excellent for your cardiovascular system. Clinical research also validates this belief. The terpenes, polysaccharides and other vital components of this mushroom assists in lowering the cholesterol level and in improving blood pressure level. These components work by not allowing the enzymes to function properly. Also as these natural herbs are non-toxic they can be used daily. Different medical conditions like type-2 diabetes, high blood pressure and cardiovascular diseases can be easily prevented through it.

Tumor growth cannot be controlled by a number of natural herbs. However, reishi is an exception to this. There are certain qualities in this miracle mushroom that assists in controlling the growth of tumors. Another advantage with these mushrooms is that liver damages can be controlled effectively through them. The presence of Ganoderic acid helps in this regard. Researches that have been going on for the past 40 years and more have led to the conclusion that these natural herbs are indeed safe and they help alleviate major health problems.

Various allergies that we are all familiar with can also be effectively controlled or prevented through reishi. Histamine, an enzyme that is responsible for creating allergic reactions in our body can be controlled to a considerable degree with the help of this natural herb. Considering that there are many health benefits associated with this natural herb, it makes sense in using them properly.


Why Diet Programs And Supplements Don’t Work

How many different diet programs and supplements have you tried to help you lose weight? Have you grown tired of spending your money of pills and programs that promise to “force your body to incinerate massive amount of tummy fat” or will “burn fat off your hips and thighs like a furnace”?

It’s not your fault that these products haven’t worked for you. As a matter of fact not one of them is designed to work in the long term. Millions of people just like you and me have been duped by the fitness and exercise industry into thinking that we need them to lose weight, feel great, and be healthy.

Not only have they lied to us but they’ve stolen from us as well. We have handed them our money over and over again just to remain overweight, unhappy, and unhealthy. It’s time to break the cycle and learn what it really takes to lose fat and to keep it from coming back.

The solution is so simple that it’s brilliant and once you are able to let go of everything that the diet and exercise groups have force fed us for decades, everything will become crystal clear. You’ll start to lose weight and you’ll never gain it back.

What The Secret?

There actually is no secret once you get down to it. We’ve just lost our way, so to speak.
The secret is to eat food. And not just any food but real, all natural food. You don’t have to shop for organic produce or grass fed beef. But what you do have to do is to stop eating processed food and get back to eating foods that are as close to their natural state as possible.

That’s it. That’s all you have to do. No more microwave meals, dinners from a can, or breakfasts from a box. Slowly shift your focus away from those and towards fruits, vegetables, meats, and starches.
The low fat diet craze convinced us that we need to cut fat from our diet to lose weight. What happened? We got fatter. Know why? Because our bodies actually thrive on a diet that’s high in healthy fat. Even saturated fat from animal protein is healthy as long as we aren’t eating too many of them. It’s the hydrogenated fats that were first invented in a lab as a “healthy” alternative to saturated fats that are killing us.

It’s the processed flours that have replaced the oats, corn and whole wheat in our diets that are making us fat.

It’s the over abundance of processed sugars that are making us lazy. Cookies and cakes do nothing but raise out blood sugar so high that we come crashing back down and feel like slugs for the rest of the day. Combine those together with hydrogenated fats and white flour and it’s a recipe for disaster. Guess what’s in Oreo cookies and Entenmann’s cupcakes. That’s right! They are loaded with all three of those.

So stop looking for the quick fixes and the diet aids to help you lose weight. Return to the foods that Mother Nature intended for us to eat. Return to foods that are as close to their natural state as possible and you’ll be feeling better, looking better, and thinking more clearly than you have for years.

If you’re interested in learning more about simple dietary principles that can help you look and feel your best check out this webpage on how to burn belly fat and when you’ve digested all of those nuggets you might want to start to build a bit of muscle to really help ramp up your fat loss efforts. Adding just a couple pounds of muscle can help you burn more fat in your sleep and to keep it off forever. Here I have outlined what I’ve found to be the best way to gain muscle fast.

I’d wish you good luck but if you follow the principles in the article you won’t need it. Instead I’ll wish you good health and I hope that you get started today so that you can begin to look and feel better tomorrow.


Best Tips to Make Your Skin Look Younger

The skin is actually an organ just like the kidneys, heart or liver and it happens to be the biggest organ within the body. It performs various important functions ranging from getting rid of toxins to regulating temperature and keeping the body together. Also, the skin is that part of the body that is shown to the world. If you have not been taking very good care of your skin, this article will give you best tips to make your skin look younger.

Many individuals spend huge sums of money in an effort to improve the look of their skin. It is absolutely unnecessary to spend large amounts of money when you can do certain simple things to give your skin a great look.

Presented below are some simple tips that you can use to make your skin look younger

Cleansing the skin

The easiest method to take care of the skin is to ensure that it is clean, moisturized and toned. Cleansing is a very simple method of skin care. The cleaning lotion you select should depend on the kind of skin you have, be it dry or oily. If you possess oily skin, your face should be washed more than two to three times daily. However if you have dry skin, you should wash your face only one to two times daily. Also, it is recommended that you do not have a bath using water that is very hot because it causes wrinkling and drying of the skin. Avoid using bar soap for washing your face because doing so will also cause wrinkling and drying of the face.

Do an Exfoliation

Do not exfoliate prior to cleansing. If you do so, you will remove dirt and makeup but you will not remove dead skin cells that cause dull tone and blockage of the pores. When using exfoliating cloths or granular scrubs, do not press too hard. All that is needed is mild pressure. Try to exfoliate two times a week.

Avoid Exposure to the Sun

The sun plays an important role in aging. Even though you might enjoy having a sun bath from time to time and obtaining the perfect tan, you should not expose your skin to the sun everyday. Look for a sunscreen that is most suited to your skin and buy it. You should not depend on only the sunscreen to protect you against the sun. Wear protective sunglasses, hats, gloves clothing, and you should stay away from the sun during peak hours (11 am - 3 pm).

Drink lots of water

Sufficient water intake will help hydrate your skin. You require 30 milliliters of water per kilogram body weight everyday. Soft drinks will do you no good.

Some additional Beauty Tips

Aside from these effective and natural methods, here are some additional easy tips for younger and healthy looking skin.

1. If you smoke, you should quit immediately because smoking accelerates the usual aging process and causes wrinkling and sagging of the skin.

2. Avoid trying various makeup products and cosmetics on your skin in order to prevent damage.

3. Lastly, you should try as much as possible not to frown because that will cause the wrinkles on the skin to be more pronounced. Instead you should smile as this has the effect of lightening up the face and gives it a more attractive look.

Apart from helping to slow down the aging process, these best tips to make your skin look younger will also help you avoid cosmetic surgery or Botox treatment.

Ionut P. is dedicated to discovering the best methods and products for healthy, quality skin care. He believes that if this is important to her it's important to others


5 Beauty Myths Exposed

I expect there are many of us who have believed at least one of the following beauty myths. Some have been contrived by those clever marketing guys who want us to buy a particular product and some are just urban legends, we believe them because other people do. Whatever their origin you might find some of them surprising!

Everyone needs to use a day and a night cream

This one might save us all some money! There has been no research or proof to suggest that the skin repairs itself differently depending on the time of day, as the natural skin repairing process is constant, therefore, there is no need for a different formulation of product at night. 

The only difference between the ingredients in a day and night cream is that the day cream contains sunscreen, which is where the magic ends!

Skin adapts to skin care products so you should change them every so often

There is no factual proof to support this, and logically your skin isn’t going to become resistant to something which is good for it, like your body wouldn’t become resistant to eating a healthy diet. Something good will always be good, its effectiveness wouldn’t dissipate over time.

There is a product out there which can really eliminate wrinkles

I think deep down we all knew this but maybe didn’t want to admit it to ourselves. Why would manufacturers constantly churn out new formulas which all promise to zap those wrinkles and return our youthful good looks?

The reason is because many simply don’t work, and each one is pumped full of marketing hype which trigger our insecurities to make us spend more on this type of beauty product than any other. Wrinkles are inevitable, a result of the natural breakdown of skin structure from cumulative sun damage and age.

A study published in Skin Research and Technical May 2007, actually demonstrated this point; a group of three women tested three different anti-wrinkle creams over six weeks, when their skin was examined by optical profilometry which looks at the contours and roughness of the skin, there was no difference between any of the groups, and no improvement in wrinkles.

That said, there are products which can help protect and nourish the skin, sunscreens, exfoliants, moisturisers, retinoids etc. However, no skin care product will emulate the results of a plastic surgeon, no matter what the advertising says! For advice on what really helps, have a look at a list of this years top beauty products from beauty blogger Debbie Parker.

Dermatologically tested means the product is reliable and can live up to its claims

Don’t let this phrase lull you into a false sense of security; it does not endorse the effectiveness of the formula, as the phrase doesn’t tell us who tested it, how they tested it, on who, and even what the results were, good or bad!

There is no way of assessing what this phrase means, it is a marketing gimmick which makes consumers believe the manufacturer has their best interests at heart by using clinical terminology which wrongly makes us feel reassured.

There are skin care products which really are better than Botox or dermal fillers

Again, don’t be sucked into the unscrupulous marketing techniques of the brand which claim their products have the same effects as Botox. There is absolutely no evidence to show that any skin care product can work like Botox, fillers or laser resurfacing. Even Botox and fillers themselves do not have the same effects if applied topically to the skin rather than being injected.


What Pecan Nuts Can Do For Your Health

Eating pecans for a healthy lifestyle is a great possibility for many. The pecan nut has many benefits to help anyone achieve a proper balance of snacking, eating and cooking with this awesome nut.

The health benefits of eating pecans starts with the amount of energy one can achieve just by simply eating them in their nature state. The many minerals, nutrients and vitamins within pecans are proof in eating them and what this nut can do for your health. By eating just a small a hand full per day, the pecan can help improve many issues within the body.

Consuming pecans is known to boost one's immune system, helping in correcting heart disease issues and balancing factors to aid in cancer victims. Pecans, like many other types of nuts, have mono-unsaturated fatty acids. These acids are a main reason for decreasing the LDL levels of the body. The LDL is the bad cholesterol in the body and the pecan nut can help lower this problem. The same mono-unsaturated acids will also increase the good cholesterol that everybody needs. Eating the pecans can reduce strokes, heart attacks and many other problems that directly involve the heart. This dramatic effect to the body is one main reason to add the pecan to any heart healthy diet. Regardless whether you are eating raw or roasted pecans the healthy affects can be the same if not adding any salt, sugars or coatings.

For women, the pecan is a great source for oleic acid. This fatty acid is the same acid found in olive oils. Oleic acid has been studied and tested to show its ability to suppress the cells that bring about the onset of breast cancer. Eating one ounce of pecan nuts 5 times a week can have a powerful affect against the issues of many of the problems noted here. For men, the pecan nut can help with prostate cancer issues. This too is the reason oleic acid is needed to help with the onset of this problem within men and their health.

Pecan nuts have been regarded as a fatty type food. In contrary to this information it is known that people that consume this type of nut also maintain body weight. In some instances, many who eat a daily amount of these nuts even lost body weight over a period of time. With the pecan low carbohydrate rate and high fiber content it is easy to see how someone can balance their body mass.

Pecans are also high in protein. For those who do not eat meat products, eating pecans is a great way to get that substitute for protein. The fact that the pecan nut is cholesterol free and red meat is not, this is another way to improve a heart healthy diet and maintain a life away from red meat and even less fatty meats like chicken.

Antioxidants in the pecan nut also give its characters to help some in the fight against Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease.  These antioxidants are the same that make the pecan work to fight cancer and heart disease.  They also help with the lipids in one's blood and also deter strokes, heart attacks and other issues associated with the cardiovascular system.

Another property that is not widely known to some is the content of ellagic acid. This acid is the front runner to the antioxidants abilities to work within the body. When combined with several vitamins, minerals and other compounds it is a known ability for the pecan nut to reduce the amount of toxic issues within the body. This is a powerful defense weapon again cancers, diseases of the body and infections.

There are so many ways to enjoy pecans, whether it be in baking, salads or even sprinkling over ice cream. Anyone can figure out the different ways to enjoy this powerful nut and bring it to the table in so many different ways. Dry roasted pecans can be an easy way to enjoy this type of nut also. Anyone can roast their own pecans as it is an easy process where you are actually toasting the nut on baking sheets within an oven.

Harvesting of pecans usually comes in the fall but with worldwide production it is easy to buy pecans year round. It is sometimes best to buy whole unshelled pecans if you are storing the nuts. If not storing and consuming with a week it is best to buy shelled or cracked nuts. By buying in this manner one can store in a cool dry place for months as a time. If buying just the nut in its natural form, one should store them within an air tight container and put into a refrigerator to keep from going bad.

Susan White is writing an e book all about the common nuts.


Why Eating More Is Better For You

Anyone concerned with their fitness knows to focus on two main ideas: loose fat and get fit. In order to do both, the body has to endure a combination of diet reduction and physical exertion. Exercise more, eat less, right? Consuming fewer calories than one burns seems like a simple formula, but the reality is much harsher. The more you restrict the food your body consumes, the more you exercise and the healthier you try to be, the more aggressive food cravings will become!

People are organic creatures. We need food to survive so our bodies are hardwired to seek out nutrients. Throughout evolution, the human body has developed cravings for consumption that ultimately satisfy the body's needs. Our bodies desire carbohydrates and sugar for quick energy, fat and protein for strength building, and an excess of food to guard against future hunger. Unfortunately after decades of successful agriculture and intense marketing, the supermarkets are saturated with food that is essentially useless and harmful to our bodies. So when the body strikes out with some ravaging hunger cravings and demands satisfaction, more often than not we consume trash instead of nutrient-rich sustenance.

Anyone pursuing a healthier lifestyle should expect to feel some rather aggressive hunger pangs. Severely reducing caloric intake while increasing physical exercise triggers the body to crave food. For survival, the human body is programmed to seek, consume and hoard a food supply. Hunger is natural! It's the body's way of communicating what it needs in order to survive.

Unfortunately, if the calorie consumption is too low, the body enters a safety mode. It thinks, "I'm starving!" and instantly clamps down on its metabolism to safeguard any fat reserves, i.e: it stops burning fat and begins to shut down. That's why it is very important not to restrict calories so much that the body flips a starvation switch. If you're on a diet plan that drops intake below 1,200 calories and has exercise requirements at the same time, this is a short term solution and not a healthy option for lifelong benefits.
Eating is necessary. Eating smart for a better body can be challenging. There's a lot of information and misinformation out there. While a diet can be daunting, food is nothing to be afraid of. Learning what and when to eat is important for everyone who wants a better quality of life.

After an intense workout, your body is primed to utilize calories for the most good. Undergoing all the stress and exertion of intense exercise leaves a body hungry and vulnerable. Reward it with smart food choices! Protein is an absolute must for building muscle and helping physical recovery. Despite popular diet ideas, animal fats (like the fat on meat) are nothing to be afraid of. Humans evolved while eating animal fats and our systems are best designed to consume those fats versus over-processed vegetable fats that break down during cooking and consumption to become trans fats in the body. After a hard workout, it is nearly impossible to eat too much protein. Not eating enough, however, will throw the body into starvation mode and shock the system.

If you're working out, you will have cravings. There is no way to avoid the signals your body sends out when it's wanting sustenance. The trick lies in choosing healthy foods (like a piece of dark, dark chocolate or fruit for sugar cravings; wild rice, sweet potatoes or quinoa for carb cravings) instead of sugary, starchy food with no food value. Eager dieters might begin to think that no food is good, but that idea is ultimately detrimental to their health. No one can run ten miles and eat nothing but salad without wasting away. Starvation isn't sexy; it's disastrous and wimpy.

If the body cries out to be fed, it's important to remember that it isn't only the quantity of calories that matters, it's the quality of those calories. Think about what is in the food you're about to eat. If it says "Fat Free" is it full of chemicals and crap? Better to leave that and enjoy a meal that will ultimately benefit your health. The cleaner your diet becomes, the fewer cravings you'll have. When the hunger strikes (and it will) do the right thing and satisfy those cravings with good, wholesome food that provides constructive nutrients to your body. You deserve the best!

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Fear and Anxiety in the Dental Chair

Up to 20% of people avoid going to the dentist unless absolutely necessary.  Why do people fear the dentist? 

One reason is a previous bad dental experience.  For others, it is a loss of control--of being in the dental chair with someone hovering over you and not being able to speak. 

Still others have anxiety disorders or post-traumatic stress disorder and the fear of the dentist is a “side effect” of the primary condition.

Drugs to Help with the Fear and Pain
    • Conscious sedation helps dental fear, particularly when having dental surgery, by drugs that work as both a sedative to calm the patient and an anesthetic to block pain.
    • Anesthesia:  For those that need more sedation, anesthesia renders the patient unconscious.
    • Local and Topical Anesthetics: For less involved dental work such as dental fillings, local and topical anesthetics work well for stopping pain.
Alternative Therapies for Fear
  • Visualization techniques can help with dental fear by the patient picturing calming scenes such as a beach or a forest.
  •  Hypnosis puts the patient in an altered consciousness state and has been shown to be effective against anxiety.
  • Relaxation techniques that can be effective include progressive muscle relaxation where the patient tenses and relaxes different muscles in turn.  Controlled breathing or deep breathing exercises can also help.
  • Humor reduces stress and creates a welcome atmosphere
  • Distraction techniques are becoming more common in dentists’ offices such as a TV screen on the ceiling above the patient’s chair so that the patient can watch television or a movie while dental work is being done. Another distraction alternative is for the patient to wear a headset that is playing music while the dental work is being performed.
Research on Coping with Dental Phobias and Fear

A study from Sweden published in the Journal Acta Odontologica Scandinavica found in addition to “distraction,” as noted above, there were the following coping strategies regarding dental treatment:
  • Distancing: The patient tells himself that the pain is something else (not unpleasant)
  • Prayer: The patient prays the experience will soon be over
  • Self-efficacy: The patient tells himself to be “strong” during the dental treatment
  • Optimism: The patient says to himself that “everything will be okay after the dental treatment is over.”
Psychologist Interview before Dental Treatment

Another recommendation for dealing with dental fear is to see a psychologist before undergoing dental treatment. For example, a university in Washington state has a psychologist on staff who interviews fearful patients before dental treatment.  Dr. Heaton’s goals are to make a “personal connection” and “talk about concerns” to help ease the patient’s anxiety.

Children’s Fear and Response to Pain Affected by Parents

Children’s anxiety and response to pain regarding medical treatment has been found to be related to the interactive behaviors of the child, parents and medical staff. In particular, parents affected their child’s perception of pain through positive reinforcement and modeling of pain behaviors.  Several studies have noted the impact of parental anxiety on the child’s “distress.” Nevertheless, researchers have found that it is important for the parent and child to be together during the medical procedure.

Researchers found four patterns of communication between parents and children before, during and after medical procedures:
  • Normalizing:
  • Invalidating:
  • Supportive:
  • Distancing:
Invalidation by the parent was found to be the most related to a child’s distress.  Additionally, a “dismissive” parenting style correlated with less facial expression of the child’s pain ie. The child learned to not show pain in front of the parent due to the parent previously not believing the child was in pain.
Lower levels of distress in the child were shown when parents demonstrated distraction, including engaging the child in talking about something unrelated to the procedure, or humor, as a way of coping. 

When the parent demonstrated criticism, empathy, reassurance, apologies or gave the control to the child, the child had increased distress levels. Theories as to why empathy and reassurance may increase a child’s distress have centered on the idea that the child does not perceive that he/she has the necessary skills to cope with the situation.


Regardless of the source of the anxiety or fear regarding dental treatment, there are myriad ways of alleviating these feelings.  Medications that alter consciousness and/or relieve anxiety are common.  Additionally, there are various alternative techniques including forms of distraction

This is a guest post by Charles Smith.  Occasional guest poster on dental healt and full time health expert. Charles currently represents Smile Stuido, a dentistry that has been involved in implant dentistry for over 15 years now and has experience in wide range of dental services  from single teeth to full mouth reconstructions.


Burping And Flatulence

Burping and passing flatus are normal things our body does whenever we have gas in our digestive tract. The air inside of us is caused by a lot of things and we need to remove them from our system that is why we burp or fart. 

Sometimes, people become embarrassed when they do this in public. They try their best to suppress it but it just comes out. To be able to prevent more of those embarrassing moments, you need to know the reason why you have gas and how to prevent it.

What causes gas?

There are many factors that could affect the production of gas in our digestive tract. Its presence may also bring about different conditions. Sometimes, pain could be felt whenever we feel gassy. It is important that we know what causes us to be gassy to determine if it is just a normal condition or if we have to talk to the doctors about it.
  • Food and drinks

The food we eat is one of the most common causes of the production of gas. Food that are high in fiber are the ones that could lead to gas production. Carbonated drinks like sodas and beer could also cause gas in our stomach.

There are people who cannot digest certain food groups. This is because they lack the enzyme that is needed for its digestion. When your body does not digest the food well, the food in your stomach may be the one that causes gas production
  • Air you swallowed

When we eat, there are times that we swallow air as we swallow the food that we eat. This could also be observed if you are eating too fast, chewing gum or drinking through a straw. When the air reaches our stomach, it could go out through our burps.
  • Your medication

The medication you take in may lead to the production of gas in your digestive tract. The antibiotics for example may disrupt the normal flora of your digestive tract. When this happens, your body could be hard up in digesting the food which leads to the production of gas. Other medication such as laxatives could also cause gas production
  • Other diseases

One of the things that may cause this gassy feeling is an underlying disease. Being gassy may just be a symptom of a more severe disease. If it continues, you should go for a check-up just to make sure that everything is okay.

Burping and Flatulence

When gas is produced in your digestive tract with these different causes, your body will do something to let it out. There are different ways on how you could release the gas in your digestive system. One of them is through burping. Burping or belching is a way for you to release the gas through your mouth. Some cultures find this act as not being acceptable but there are also other people who accept this act as a normal act. The other way of releasing the gas is by flatulence. In this way, instead of the mouth, gas is released through the rectum. Some people find this offending especially if it is done in a public place. Others find it to be funny.

How to avoid gas

Burping or passing flatus in a public place may be embarrassing to some people. In order for you to prevent this from happening, you should learn how to avoid producing gas so that you do not have to release it.
  • Take note on what food you eat

Observe which foods make you gassy and try to eat small portions of them. The more they are in your system, the more gassy you would feel. If you can’t help but eat them then just be prepared to be gassy.
Avoid eating fatty foods because they tend to stay longer in your digestive tract. They also cause gas production in your stomach.

Sodas and beers should be avoided or should just be taken in small portions. These carbonated drinks have a lot of gas in them.
  • The less air you swallow, the better

You can’t just do this at will because there will be some air that you swallow however you eat. Our goal here is to lessen the amount of air that you swallow. To do this, you should look at how you eat. Do not eat too fast because this will just promote more air to be swallowed.
  • Get help from enzymes

If you cannot help but eat the foods that your body is hard up in digesting, you should find medication that contains the different enzymes that you need. In this way, you would be able to digest the food that you eat.
  • Let bacteria help you

The good bacteria are normally found in the digestive system. They are there to help in the digestion. There are times that we lack the good bacteria. We could correct this if we eat foods that have probiotics in them.
  • Try alternative methods

Acupuncture, acupressure and hypnotherapy are some of the alternative ways that offer treatment for your gassy condition.

Cedric’s passion in his articles shows his dedication to create informative posts for his readers. He usually writes about the different topics on health like different natural remedies for constipation, becoming pregnant, healthy fats for the body and treatments for stroke patients. With these articles, he hopes to help his readers know more about their health conditions.

Home Remedies For Your Most Embarrassing Problems

We hope that our bodies will behave when we want them to, whether it is at home, on the job or even out socially. But sometimes, our bodies just have a mind of their own and do things when we least expect it. From having gas when we don’t want to, to having the hiccups, burping out loud or having an overactive bladder, there is a plethora of home remedies that we can take advantage of to alleviate some of these embarrassing problems. Here are my favorites :)

Excessive Sweating

Just when you want to project the image that you are confident and cool, your body's central heating system takes over and you begin sweating! Some people do have a medical issue with sweat glands being overactive, but for the most part, sweating is caused from either movement or stress. The body has a way of responding to nervous or stressful situations with the fight or flight response, and that kicks into full gear when we are anxious or worried.

To prevent that from happening, we need to condition our mind and bodies to face that stressful circumstance ahead of time. Expose yourself to the situation that makes you nervous over and over again and eventually you will train your mind and body to not be so nervous. Another way to prevent sweating is to stay away from things loaded with caffeine, such as coffee, tea, or chocolate. Hot and spicy foods also increase your heart rate and that can cause more sweating. Sometimes, if you know you will be in a nervous situation, holding a glass of ice water against your wrists will help to control the sweating.

Burps and Hiccups

Have you ever been just about to go to speak in front of a crowd or at a work meeting, and out comes that loud growling or burping sound? A burp is actually caused from irritation in your diaphragm or further down. Both burping and hiccups can occur when we have swallowed a lot of air too. Try drinking a glass of water after eating to avoid this happening. Staying hydrated will lessen the occurrence the hiccups and burping - avoid pop and beer though!

Bladder Leaking

Most women that have gone through childbirth are going to have some type of leaky bladder at some point in their lives. Things you can do on your own at home to relieve a leaky bladder are plentiful. Kegal exercises work great for gaining back some of that bladder control. Emptying out your bladder before participating in activities like dancing or running will help you avoid embarrassing leaks too. It is always good to stay away from coffee, soda drinks and chocolate if you are not close to a bathroom, as those are all diarrhetics.

Cotton Mouth/Yawning

Although they are unrelated, cotton mouthy and yawning happen for the same reasons. Maybe you finally are meeting the person you have been waiting to meet for years and as you walk up to see them for the first time, you feel that dryness in your mouth, so dry that you cannot even speak at all. Or you have been trying to meet with the boss to discuss a raise and just as you go in his office, you begin uncontrollably yawning. When you are nervous or anxious about something that is about to happen, you breathe much more shallowly, and that causes you to yawn.

Comparatively, that same sort of breathing and stress hormones cause a lack of production in saliva, making your mouth feel dry and sticky. If you feel nervous about something, try popping a hard piece of candy in your mouth. The candy will help lubricate the mouth and keep saliva flowing. Chewing gum works just as well too, as it makes you swallow more air. A glass of cold water before you do something that is stressful will help you from having cotton mouth and from yawning as well.

Try some of these home remedies to save yourself from some embarrassing circumstances and see if they help!

Ellie Pennigroth writes about exercise, health & flower delivery.


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