
The Most Dangerous Herbs Found In Pills

For thousands of years, herbs have been used for their healing and medicinal qualities. Today, people are now just starting to rediscover how helpful they can be. However, some herbs have dangerous effects if taken.

Chaparral: Native Americans began using chaparral as an herbal remedy. They used the leaves to treat wounds, bronchitis, coughs, skin disorders, and warts. They put the stems from this herb into their teeth to stop any pain they could be experiencing due to infections or a simple toothache. They also made this herb into a tea to relieve the symptoms of the common cold.

However, in the 1960s an experimental study showed that chaparral could cause major problems with your kidney and liver function. In 1970, researchers from the University of Utah conducted a clinical study on the effects of chaparral tea and tumor growth. Out of the 45 people inducted into this study, only 4 had their tumors decrease in size while the other 41 had their tumors increase in size.

Other side effects of taking this herb are fatigue, stomach pain, diarrhea, weight loss, fever, itching, and allergic reactions. Chaparral should be especially avoided by women who are pregnant or who are breast-feeding.

Coltsfoot: Coltsfoot is an herb native to Europe, North America, and some parts of Asia. It is normally made into a tea to stop the cough that is associated with bronchitis, silicosis and emphysema.

Studies on animals have shown that coltsfoot has been known to cause cancer. There was also a single case of an infant who developed liver disease and died because of the mother drinking coltsfoot tea while the infant was still in the womb. Coltsfoot has been banned in Germany since 1992.

There are mild and severe side effects associated with this herb. The mild side effects include allergic reactions and high blood pressure. The severe side effects include liver damage, and the possibility of developing cancer.

Lobelia: Also known as “Indian tobacco”, Lobelia has been used to treat conditions such as asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, and persistent coughs. Today, it is used to help clear mucus from the throat and it is also a nicotine substitute for those trying to quick smoking.

However, it has dangerous side effects which include sweating, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, tremors, rapid heartbeat, mental confusion, convulsions, hypothermia, coma, and potentially death.
Women who are pregnant or breast feeding should not take this herb.

Pennyroyal: This herb has been used by herbalists to treat respiratory illnesses, intestinal disorders, and liver problems. However, this herb contains a dangerous oil called pulegone which can, ironically, cause liver problems!

Pennyroyal can cause kidney, liver, or nervous system damage in adults and children. It can also cause brain damage and lung failure. Other mild side effects include vomiting, abdominal pain, nausea, burning in the throat, high blood pressure, confusion, dizziness, fever, rapid heartbeat, and hearing/vision problems.

Women who are pregnant should stay away from this herb at all costs!

Senna: Senna is one of the most dangerous herbs in existence. It is mainly used a laxative for treating constipation. However, if taken for long periods of time it will make your bowels stop working correctly and require you to be fully dependant on laxatives.

Senna has a long list of serious side effects that can come from taking this herb:
• Finger clubbing
• Low electrolytes
• Joint problems
• Liver damage
• Hepatitis
• Coma
• Asthma
• Kidney dysfunction
• Physical changes in the colon
• Weakening of the bones
• Heart problems
• Muscle weakness
• Death

Avoid this herb!!!


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