Showing posts with label arrhythmia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label arrhythmia. Show all posts


Heart Disease Arrhythmia: Causes, Types, Diagnosis & Tests, Treatments

An arrhythmia is also known as an irregular heartbeat. However, it is not the same as a normal irregular heartbeat. 

An arrhythmia can occur in a completely normal heartbeat or in ones that are either slow or rapid. 

In the United States alone, over 850,000 people are hospitalized for an arrhythmia each year.

  • Coronary artery disease
  • An electrolyte imbalance in your blood
  • Changes in the heart muscle
  • Any injury sustained from a heart attack
  • The healing process after heart surgery

There are actually many types of arrhythmia instead of just one type.

Premature arterial contractions: These are extra heartbeats that occur in the atria and are usually harmless to your body.

Premature ventricular contractions: This type of arrhythmia is the most common. This is the skipped heartbeat that we all experience at least once in our lives. It can occur because of stress, high caffeine levels, nicotine, or exercising. If you experience this frequently you should be evaluated by your doctor immediately. This is normally harmless but can sometimes require treatment.

Atrial fibrillation: This is a common irregular heart rhythm that causes the upper chambers of your heart to contract in an abnormal fashion.

Atrial flutter: This is caused by one or more rapid circuits of heartbeats in the atria. This type occurs in people who have heart disease and sometimes after the first week of heart surgery. Sometimes, it converts to atrial fibrillation.

PSVT: A rapid heartbeat that usually has a regular rhythm that comes from above the ventricles in your heart. It usually begins and ends without warning.

Accessory pathway tachycardia: This is a rapid heart rate that occurs due to an extra abnormal pathway between the atria and the ventricles.

AV nodal reentrant tachycardia: This occurs due to one or more pathways in the AV node of your heart. It causes fainting, heart palpitations, or even heart failure.

V-tach: This is a rapid heart rate that occurs from the lower chambers of your heart. It prevents your heart from filling with blood. This is one of the more serious arrhythmias because it can cause heart failure.

Ventricular fibrillation: This is an erratic firing of heart beats from your ventricles. This must be treated medically with CPR as soon as possible because if left untreated, will cause death.

Heart block: This arrhythmia will cause your heart to beat at a slow pace and if not treated with a pacemaker immediately, will cause death.


The following are tests your doctor may recommend you take if he believes you are suffering from an arrhythmia:
  • Electrocardiogram
  • Holter monitor
  • Event monitor
  • Stress test
  • Echocardiogram
  • Cardiac catheterization
  • EPS ( Intracardiac electrophysiology study)
  • Head-up tilt table test

Hawthorne berries: A tradition heart tonic that is used to help regulate and control your heartbeat.

Horse chestnut: An herb that helps keep your heart function, circulation, and blood vessels strong and clean.

Reishi mushroom: A Japanese mushroom that is used to help regulate your heart function. It is also used to help treat high cholesterol.

Fish oil: This is used to help prevent any dangerous heart arrhythmias but scientists are concerned about some of the side effects that come with taking this remedy.

Celery and Garlic: These contain a lot of calcium blockers and are used as an anti-arrhythmia agent. It will help to regulate your heart beat and clear out any unwanted bacteria in your heart.

Cinchona: An herb that has been shown to help with arterial fibrillation.

Canola oil: It has been used in Australia to help with any cardiac arrhythmias. It’s also a healthy additive to any food.

Valerian root: This is a remedy to help with any of the types of arrhythmias. However, it is also used a sleep aid so it is recommended to take this before you go to sleep.


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