Showing posts with label Hoodia gordonii. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hoodia gordonii. Show all posts


4 Potentially Dangerous Natural Ingredients Present in Weight Loss Supplements

When you are trying to lose weight, using herbal supplements can be less invasive and safer compared to using prescription medications or undergoing risky surgical treatments. However, you will need to become a smart label reader before you head out and buy such supplements. The companies producing them claim that their herbal supplements can help you shed pounds, boosting your fat burning into high gear. But the truth is that some natural herbs are safe to use and can undoubtedly help you get slimmer and increase your energy levels. On the other hand, there are others that can lead to the development of several serious health issues, which you need to be aware of.


Guaranin, which is the natural, active ingredient in guarana based supplements can effectively curb a dieter’s appetite, increase his mental alertness and stamina, since this potent, natural substance is almost identical to caffeine. This is why the consumption of such supplements can be dangerous for people suffering from diabetes, high blood pressure, anxiety, insomnia, epilepsy or an overactive thyroid. Guarana supplements can potentially worsen these conditions when they already exist in a person or can contribute to their development when they are not present, but a patient is susceptible to their development due to certain underlying health issues. Since all these medical conditions are linked to having excessive body weight, we can say that guarana is certainly not suitable for weight loss.

Bitter Orange Extract

Bitter orange extract, - which became popular after the FDA had banned ephedra – is present in many diet supplements today. The main natural active ingredients in it are synephrine and octopamine and due to their potent nervous system stimulant and appetite suppressant qualities this natural herb has the ability to induce several serious health conditions, such as high blood pressure, abnormal heart rhythms, palpitation or stroke.

Guar Gum

Although this natural soluble fiber supplement can increase the feeling of fullness after meals as well as it can block the absorption of fat into the body, there are several side effects associated with the regular use of guar gum. These include increased gas production, stomach cramps, bloatedness or diarrhea. However, if your body can tolerate this natural supplement, there is no reason why it shouldn’t be a part of your comprehensive healthy diet plan.

Hoodia Gordonii

Hoodia gordonii, - which is a natural cactus-like plant, heavily marketed in the weight loss industry in the last few years - is not as safe to use after all. Studies have found that this natural appetite suppressant can cause a number of serious side effects, due to the fact that it affects healthy liver function. Hoodia gordonii is also known to interact with several medications prescribed for diabetes, depression, anxiety and high blood pressure.

Andrea Khan is passionate about providing scientifically accurate information about various health topics. She primarily writes for Holistic Hubs and her current projects include researching and writing about safe-to-use dietary supplements.


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