Showing posts with label acne remedies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label acne remedies. Show all posts


10 Tips On How To Reduce or Treat Your Acne

Our faces have a big role in our life. When people see our face, especially if it is blemish free, it can help us interact with people, land a job, and gives us confidence to meet other people. That is why we should take good care of our face. However, it is inevitable to having an acne especially when you reach the teenage stage of your life. This is where you experience having numerous or unexpected pimples.

            So how to reduce acne? Here are the do's and dont's on treating and removing acne:

    1.  Always wash your face at least two times a day. Like brushing your teeth everyday, you should wash your face at least two times a day. It helps your facial skin protect from the bacterias you encounter every minute.

2.      Eat healthy food. Healthy food such as certain fruits that are rich in vitamins, such as Vitamin C, will help keep our skin healthy and prevent acne from growing or spreading.

3.      Sleep deprivation. When you lack sleep, it can help add pimples to your face because sleep is just like food and air, it is one of the necessities of our body. It affects every elements of your health. Everyone of us needs a right amount of sleep, but not too much.

4.      Avoid smoking. Most of the smokers don't know that smoking is helping your acne grow. It is very common knowledge that smoking gives many bad effects on your body, the only good thing is that it makes you feel good. Smoking harms the cells that protects out skin.

5.      Do not stress yourself out. When you get stressed by thinking about problems, you get the chance to increase your acne on your face. Lessen your worries as much as possible because it doesn't help either.

6.      Use mild soap only. When you use harsh soap, your skin will feel irritated and sometimes it will get itchy and will cause acne on your face. Facial skin is different from body skin, it is more delicate and cannot handle some chemicals that the body skin can.

7.      Avoid going to air polluted areas. When you wander in to areas with air pollution, you are prone to getting dirt and germs on your face, not to mention the fumes and unwanted gases you might inhale. If you can't avoid passing through these places, wash your face as regularly as possible.

8.      Do not squeeze or irritate your acne. This is very important because if you keep squeezing, popping or irritating your acne it will take much longer to heal. In some cases, it might aggravate the acne and might get a whole lot worse.

9.      Avoid eating oily foods. Eating oily food can cause your skin to become oily and it might cause acne breakouts.

10.  Do not use facial wash that is not prescribe by your doctor. If you go to a dermatologist, they can prescribe a suitable facial wash and treatment for your skin type.

            We should be very careful of our facial skin because if  we don't take care of it, who will?


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