Showing posts with label alternative remedy for depression. Show all posts
Showing posts with label alternative remedy for depression. Show all posts


Feeling SAD? How Light Therapy Can Banish The Blues

Every year, millions of Americans suffer the unfortunate effects of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). They feel depressed due to the gloomy weather outside. 

Being stuck in a state like Michigan with six feet of snow outside is a depressing experience, even for the most optimistic person. To deal with SAD, people are now hanging full-spectrum lights in their homes to improve their moods and have a more positive outlook on life.

Does It Work?

The way that light therapy works is it improves a person's focus and concentration. Research has proven that light therapy does not provide a "placebo" effect, but it actually works to reduce symptoms of SAD. 

Professor Kronfeld-Schor Schor of Tel Aviv University's Department of Zoology used light therapy on sand rats and found that they had a positive emotional reaction to light therapy. She concluded that the light therapy was effective in improve the moods of rats and alleviating depression. Melvin McInnis, a doctor for the Women's Center of the University of Michigan, also has stated that light therapy is effective in helping people deal with mood swings during the winter season.

College students frequently benefit from the use of spectrum lights in their dorm rooms. By strategically placing a few strands of spectrum lights around one's desk area, one can focus on the task at hand without feeling depressed or sad. Spectrum lights help a person to focus on a task without having negative thoughts or feelings impede one's ability to complete the task. Homemakers can also benefit from the increased focus and concentration that these lights provide. They will be able to clean the house or cook dinner without having feelings of hopelessness or despair.

Fatique and Lethargy

During the winter months, it can be easy for any person to "call it a day" and simply lay on the couch all day. There is just something about the winter season that makes a person prone to being a couch potato and watching television all day. Instead of acting in this way, a person can improve his or her energy levels by placing a few spectrum lights near work areas. If a homemaker is always in the kitchen, then one can install these lights on the ceiling or near the telephone. These are a few strategic areas that will allow a homemaker to take in the spectrum lights.

Sense of Well-Being

Once a person has installed full-spectrum lights in his or her home, the person will notice that his or her spirits have improved. A person smiles more and feels more at ease. A person even feels more relaxed in his or her home. Lethargy can make a person feel unproductive which then causes feelings of stress. Full spectrum lights work to boost the productivity of a person and make him or her feel a sense of well-being. Since more tasks have been accomplished in a day, a person feels like he or she can legitimately relax and enjoy life.

Social Activity

Spectrum lights will motivate a person to regain an active social life. Winter can make a person feel like he or she has no social life. A person may feel trapped inside of his or her home. Because spectrum lights influence the body's natural energy enhancers, a person feels motivated to invite people over for dinner or go out for a night on the town. One may feel encouraged to rekindle a romantic relationship with the help of spectrum lights. Spectrum lights make a person want to be socially active.

Vitamin D

Lastly, spectrum lights ensure that a person's skin absorbs Vitamin D. Vitamin D has been proven to make a person smile more and have feelings of well-being. When a person has Vitamin D in his or her system, he or she feels optimistic and happy about life. Installing some spectrum lights where one likes to do reading is an easy way to make sure that a person gets his or her source of light every day.

Overall, light therapy is an effortless way to improve one's mood during the harsh winter months. Light therapy makes people feel good and makes them want to enjoy life again.

Ryan Devereux fights SAD by sitting in the sun and cooking his favorite pizza recipes. Since he lives in Seattle, he relishes every moment the sun comes out.


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