Showing posts with label overweight. Show all posts
Showing posts with label overweight. Show all posts


The emotional benefits of weight loss

There are many people out there who know that they need to lose weight. However, the majority of the time this is because they know of the physical implications often associated with overweight, for example, being more susceptible to some diseases e.g. cancer or heart diseases, and in general, living for a much shorter period of time. What many people don’t realise however is that there are a number of emotional benefits to weight loss. Let’s take a little look at a couple of them. 

Perhaps the biggest emotional benefits is that weight loss (and the exercise associated with it) can help relieve stress. This is because endorphins are released into the blood stream, and these endorphins are known to ‘perk’ you up. Therefore, losing weight, and keeping to a regular exercise regime should help boost your ‘happiness’ levels. Studies have also shown that those who exercise regularly are much better equipped to deal with stress in the future. 

Of course, there are a number of self-esteem issues related to losing weight. For example, the majority of people out there who consider themselves to be overweight are incredibly reluctant to go out in public, let alone ‘show off their bodies’. They often fear going to the beach, or swimming pools were they are exposed to the public. However, when people start to lose weight, they will find that they become much more confident in how they look. Every time they look in the mirror they get a small self-esteem boost, knowing what they have accomplished and what they are working towards. Ever notice people who have lost a lot of weight tend to be more outgoing? This of course will have benefits for people that find it difficult to enter relationships as they feel they aren’t worth anything. 

Many people love the success of losing weight. There is just so much pleasure you can get out of feeling as though you have ‘beaten’ something in your life, whether it is an eating disorder, or simply the feeling that you have beaten anything that was causing you to gain weight in the first place. Achieving your first success is a great motivator for the future. 

Many people that are overweight tend to place an ‘over reliance’ on food, and instead of expressing how they are feeling, they use food as a ‘crutch’. However, once they lose weight they will turn to food less and find other and much better ways of expressing themselves, much more positive and building ways. 
Finally, it will make you feel absolutely wonderful knowing that you can lead your life in the same way as much ‘slimmer’ people. For example, overweight people tend to feel persecuted, for example, having to buy multiple seats to enter a sporting arena or fly on a plane. They often have to shop in special places for their clothes and furniture. However, once they lose weight, they can start living a normal life, and this of course helps them feel much better as a result. 

So there you have it, when you are losing weight, look forward to the long term emotional benefits that you are going to be provided with as well as the physical benefits. It really will help add to your motivation! 

Happy Weight Loss !

Written by Jim Cowan 
For Weight Loss and Training see


10 Tips To Get Rid of Cellulite

Cellulite is a fatty tissue that bulged on the wall of your skin. 95% of the women are suffering from cellulite although some people think that only those who are overweight have cellulite in their body. Thin women have cellulite too even though overweight people have more visible cellulite. Even men have cellulite but theirs are not usually noticeable.

To get rid of cellulite, here are some tips that can help you:

· Exercise is the first thing to do when you feel like you are gaining fat. Exercising has many benefits such as it keeps you healthy, strengthen your body, loosen your baby fats or lessen your cellulite. However, cellulite are usually found on thighs and basic exercise can't make your cellulite go away so you have to focus on the affected areas.

· Drink plenty of water. Your body needs to be hydrated by drinking at least 8 glasses of clean water a day. It can help you flush out the toxins by doing so.

· Take foods and drinks that are rich in enzymes. Enzymes help your body achieve the desired amount of weight to lose.

· Drink juices that are made by fruits and vegetables every day. Fresh juices from fresh fruits or vegetables are really helpful for those who are maintaining a good body inside and out.

· Relax yourself. Stress can increase your calories so instead of thinking about your fats, just take a break and take your time as you try to lose your weight.

· Healthy diet is another important thing. Having better figure and skin requires a healthy diet. Do not suddenly stop going on a diet because it will be hard for you to start all over again and maintain the ideal the body shape and weight you want to achieve.

· Eat lots of fruits and vegetables. Healthy diet requires vegetables and fruits since it has the vitamins that your whole body needs including your skin to help it glow. Vegetables and fruits are often rich in fiber which helps your body digest the toxins.

· Dry brush your skin. Before taking a bath, dry brush your skin, which was produced by some skin experts, for it can help burn the excess fats from your body.

· Keep your metabolism fast. Fast metabolism helps your body remove the calories quickly. It can be done by drinking lots of warm water and taking a light walk after eating heavy meals.

· Maintain your daily routine as you start. Once you have started doing a weight loss routine, you should maintain it in order to have a better body. If your body gets unadjusted from the diet you've started, the calories or fats inside your body might multiply and you will just feel bad about it.

Getting rid of cellulite doesn't actually need creams or lotions, it can work naturally. Just follow the steps above very strictly and you can enjoy your body freely. No reasons to hide it from other people because you have a good skin and firm body.


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