Showing posts with label wrinkles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wrinkles. Show all posts


Worried With Wrinkles? Here’s What You Can Do!

Are you worried about wrinkles? Many people, especially women, are disturbed when they realize that wrinkles have began to show in their faces – in the forehead, in the eyes, in between the eyebrows, and in the corner of their lips. Well, wrinkles will definitely come whether we like it or not. There are things we can do, however, to at least put them “at bay”.

Here are some of the things that you can do to keep away the wrinkles – even for just a few more years.

Say Hello to Salmon

Health and beauty experts suggest that eating food rich in protein helps keep the skin supple. There are plenty of foods that are rich in protein, but the best source of protein for healthy skin is fish, specifically salmon, as it is very rich in Omega 3. Essential fatty acids are crucial in nourishing the skin, and Omega 3, a fatty acid, is richly found in salmon. So for healthier skin, eat more salmon.

Introduce Soy In Your Diet

Do you really want beautiful and wrinkle-free skin? If your answer is yes, then how about incorporating soy in your diet? According to a recent study done in Europe, food supplements containing soy helps protect the skin from the sun's photoaging damage. It was found out that people who consumed soy-based food had better skin condition.  

Do It Gently; Do It Less Often

 Some people have the misconception that the more frequent the face is washed, the better. This is totally wrong. When the face is washed frequently, especially when using the wrong soap, the skin’s natural oils are stripped, leaving the facial skin susceptible to dirt and bacteria. Moreover, the natural oil in the face helps keep the skin moisturized. The natural oil also protects the skin from harmful rays of the sun, sort of like a natural sun block. So, be gentle with your face and wash it at least twice a day only. And don’t forget to use only mild soap for your face, or use a facial cleanser highly recommended by a dermatologist.

It Helps to Wear a Hat

If you have to go out, don’t forget to apply sun block and then wear a hat! Some people find hats very inconvenient, especially when the hats are too wide or too bulky. Well, hats can be very irritating at times, but they do help keep the rays of the sun off your face. Always remember that the sun can do severe damage on your facial skin, and you would not want that. So bring that hat and wear it when you’re walking under the scorching heat of the sun; or even when you’re riding. Again the truthfulness of the adage: an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure.

There! These are just some tips to keep the wrinkles at bay. Follow these things and you’ll be fine … those wrinkles … they’ll have to wait a few more years!

Siena Lombardi writes for, which is an established U.S. online pharmacy. In, consumers can safely buy medications online. For more information and tips on safely using medications online, visit’s YouTube anytime. 


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