
Glaucoma: Types, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

Glaucoma is an eye condition where there is too much fluid buildup inside the eyes. This increasing pressure, otherwise known as intraocular pressure, can lead to the damage of the optic nerve when left untreated. Ultimately, this can lead to blindness in only a matter of a few years.

Although glaucoma can be treated in its early stages, most people who develop this disease show no signs and symptoms in its early stages. This makes it all the more important to regularly schedule an eye exam at least once every two years.


There are several types of glaucoma but they either fall on these two major classifications.
  1. Open-angle glaucoma. Otherwise known as wide-angle glaucoma, this is the more common type of this disease. Physically looking at the eye would make one think that it is relatively normal. However, upon closer inspection, it is found out that fluid does not properly drain in the eye.
  2. Angle-closure glaucoma. Otherwise known as narrow-angle glaucoma or acute or chronic angle-closure, this is the rarer type but will suddenly cause a buildup of pressure in the eye. Poor drainage is attributed to the iris-cornea angle or the wide opening of the pupil.

Glaucoma actually shows very few signs and symptoms in its early stages. But one of its most common sign particularly during its later stages is the loss of peripheral or side vision. Symptoms that will require immediate medical attention include:
  • Eye redness
  • Eye pain
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Hazy eyes
  • Seeing halos around lights
  • Narrowing of vision
  • Vision loss

To come up with a diagnosis of glaucoma, the health practitioner will test the vision and look into the eyes via your dilated pupils. This test will focus on the optic nerve as it can have a change it its appearance with glaucoma and as the disease progresses. The doctor will also perform tonometry, a test to measure the eye pressure as well as a visual field test to check for any losses in the peripheral vision. All of these diagnostic tests are relatively painless  and will require little time.


A glaucoma treatment plan can with the specific type and severity of your condition. Some of the most common ones include prescription eye drops, laser surgery, and microsurgery.
  • Eye drops. These eye drop prescriptions will either increase the outflow of fluid from the eye or reduce its formation. Some if its most common adverse effects include allergy, eye redness, blurred vision, stinging, and eye irritation. There are eye drops that may have systemic side effects so it is important that you carefully follow the instructions of your doctor. It will also be helpful if your doctor is aware of other medications that you are taking.
  • Laser surgery. In open-angle glaucoma, this procedure will increase outflow while in angle-closure will eliminate fluid blockage. The most common kinds include trabeculoplasty, opening of the drainage region; iridotomy, making a hole in the iris; and cyclophotocoagulation, reducing fluid production.
  • Microsurgery. A procedure called trabeculectomy creates a new channel where fluid will drain, thereby reducing the pressure buildup in the eyes caused by excess fluid. Failure in this surgery is very common so patients will have to get it redone. Its common complications include bleeding, infection, and temporary or permanent blindness.
Open-angle glaucoma is commonly treated with the use of various combinations of the above treatments. Oftentimes, the doctor will first use eye drops and then proceed to the most invasive procedures if the initial intervention does not work.

It is important that you consult your doctor to figure out the best treatment option for your specific condition.

Amy C. works as a writer for a health website, mostly focused on writing about the eyes and the difference diseases that it is prone in developing. She works closely with Lasik Houston in their administrative activities in Lasik eye surgery Houston Texas. Stay tuned for her next post to learn more about these eye conditions that you might be at risk for.

Foods for Vision: 10 Top Picks for Your Eyes

Americans have a problem with the health of their eyes. Studies have shown that about 21 million of the people living in the United States suffer form at least a single eye condition. In fact, blindness is a part of the top ten disabilities of the adults in America.

And while most of the eye problems that we are facing right now are critical and not avoidable, there are actually some things that you can do to support good eye health and somehow lessen or stop the amount of damage that it is inflicting. One of these is through healthy eating.

Numerous researches have suggested that consuming food items that have high amounts of lycopene, lutein, and omega-3 fatty acids lowers a person’s risk to up to 25% in acquiring macular degeneration. Judy Caplan, spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and a registered dietitian, explained that the food that we eat positively affects the whole body. She added that whatever works well for our eyes is bound to also work well for our body.

Let’s take a look at some of the healthiest food for our eyes.

Carrots. This vegetable is one of the richest sources of vitamin A, a nutrient essential in maintaining the good health of your eyes. Lettuce and cabbage are also great sources of this vitamin. The lack of this vitamin has been known to cause night blindness.

Spinach. Containing a powerful carotenoid called lutein, spinach is a great food that will lower your chances of acquiring eye diseases, protecting your eyes from cataracts and macular degeneration.

Fruits. Wolfberries, oranges, and kiwis are great sources of vitamin C. Otherwise known as ascorbic acid, this vitamin helps in the elimination of free radicals that can cause undue damage to the eyes.

Soy. Products that are made of soy such as soy milk, beans, and yoghurt are very good for the eyes. They contain natural inflammatory agents, phytoestrogens, and fatty acids. Corn and olive oil are also great choices in maintaining eye health as they contain good amounts of vitamin E.

Garlic. This food contains sulfur which is very helpful in maintaining the strength and resiliency of the lens. Aside from garlic, onion is also a great source of this compound.

Apricot. This fruit have a high amount of vitamin A for fighting the damaging free radicals. It also has carotenoids which help with better vision.

Eggs. These food items are great sources of the nutrients lutein, lecithin, cysteine, sulfur, and amino acids. They also protect the eyes from developing cataracts.

Fish. One of the best nutrients for the health of the eyes is omega-3 fatty acids, which are found in hefty amounts in fish, particularly in sardines and salmon. These two fishes are great sources of Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), a kind of omega-3 fatty acids.

Broccoli. Aside from improving eyesight, this vegetable also decreases your chances in acquiring cataracts. It contains the carotenoids zeaxanthin and lutein which improves the health of the lenses. These compounds also protect the cells found the eyes from free radical stressors.

Dark chocolate. These sweet desserts contain flavonoids that will protect the blood vessels found in the eyes, ensuring that your lens and cornea remain strong. You just have to make sure that you are consuming pure dark chocolate.

Aside from the above ten food items, there are still so many foods that will be very good for your eyes. Some of them include almonds, black currant, grapes, lemons, ostrich, and squash. Incorporate them into a good and balanced diet and you should be on your way to healthier eyes and clearer eyesight.

Amy C. is health writer, mostly focusing on talking about tips on the care of the eyes. She also offers her services for Lasik Houston, giving consultations and recommendations for Houston best Lasik. Stay tuned for her next post fore more tips on how to better take care of your eyes and vision.

Catching the Early Signs of Lyme Disease

Lyme disease is contracted through receiving a bite from a tick that is carrying a special type of bacteria known as Borrelia burgdorferi. The bacteria are transferred to ticks when they bite an animal that is infected with Lyme disease. When a person receives a bite from a tick that is infected with the bacteria, they may at first be unaware that they have caught Lyme disease as it can take up to several weeks for symptoms to appear. Usually, the bite mark is the first sign that a person will notice, and it is then followed by some flu-like symptoms.

Lyme disease progresses slowly through three distinct stages that are marked by their severity. By receiving medical care early on in the progression of the disease, the more severe consequences of an infection can be avoided. This means that knowing more about how to prevent Lyme disease, how to recognize an early infection and how to seek treatment will have a significant effect on a person’s long-term prognosis.

Preventing Lyme Disease

Lyme disease is contracted in areas where a tick might bite a person. This means that a person is most at risk when they are playing or working outside. Hunting, camping and hiking are a few of the more common activities that tend to expose people to ticks. However, even when people are working in the garden at home, they could be exposed to a tick with Lyme disease. Because of its contagious nature, Lyme disease is often more prevalent in certain areas. Forests and other areas with wild animals are known to have more incidences of Lyme disease. It is also very possible for a pet to bring ticks home after accompanying their owner to an area that is infested with the disease.

In order to fully prevent catching Lyme disease, a person will want to completely avoid areas where there is high grass, forests and deer. If they are going to be walking through these areas, then they should take the appropriate precautions to protect their body. Walking in the center of paths, wearing long pants and sleeves and using an insect repellent are all ways of preventing a tick bite. Once they are done with their activity, they should remove their clothing, and check carefully for any ticks before showering. If a tick is found and removed within at least one to three days, then it is less likely to pass on the Borrelia burgdorferi bacteria.

Symptoms of Early Lyme Disease

During the first stage of Lyme disease, the bacteria have not yet coursed through the infected individual’s body. For this reason, it is referred to as a localized infection, and at this point, it is possible to receive medical treatment that will completely eradicate the disease from the body. Often, the first sign that a person will notice is a bull’s eye shaped rash at the area where the bite occurred. The rash may be slightly raised, and it might expand to cover a larger area of the skin. Most people will also notice flu-like symptoms. Many patients with Lyme disease report having headaches. They may also run a high fever and complain of aching muscles.

Some people may only have a general feeling that they are not well. These symptoms may begin and then disappear before returning again. They can also last several weeks. However, if the disease is not treated at this point, then it will progress in severity and can potentially result in paralysis and heart problems. Therefore, if someone even suspects that they are experiencing signs of an early Lyme disease infection then they will want to seek further help from Holtorf Lyme Disease Specialists or other medical clinics that specialize in the disease.

Diagnosis and Treatment

Lyme disease is usually diagnosed with a routine blood test. If the disease has been caught early, then it can be treated by taking a round of antibiotics. When an antibiotic is prescribed, it may be a single dose or it may need to be taken for several weeks. This will depend upon the patient’s health and how long they have been having symptoms. After treatment is completed and the individual has recovered, one can expect to be fully cured and will no longer be at risk for more serious complications.

7 Ways to Help Your Eyes Naturally

People are placing a greater demand on their eyes today than they ever have before.  Staring at a computer screen and watching television for hours has become commonplace.  Even people who read books are constantly straining their eyes to read small print.

As the demand on our eyes has increased, science has come to their aid.  Every town has an eye doctor’s office, and many local and online businesses sell glasses and contacts.  Lasik surgery, which is the latest development in medical eye care, has quickly become popular.

However, people do not need to rely solely on modern medicine to help their eyes.  There are many ways people can strengthen their eyes naturally.  Here are seven natural ways to improve or maintain your vision.

Take a Multi Vitamin

Vitamins and minerals, as the following tips will show, are essential for good eyesight.  In general, vitamins A, C and E, as well as zinc and copper, help eye sight.  These are often found in vegetables, but the easiest way to get them all is to take a multi vitamin.

Eat Foods Like the Baylor Bears

For most people, eating like a football player would be unhealthy.  However, reproducing the Baylor Bear’s uniform colors on your plate might help your eyes.  Baylor University’s colors are dark green and yellow, and vegetables that are these colors contain important nutrients that protect the macula from sun damage.  Spinach and other dark greens, as well as pumpkins, carrots, yams, egg yolks and yellow peppers all contain essential nutrients.  Specifically, they have lutein, zeaxathin and beta-carotene.

Sacrifice Your Breath for Your Eyes

Eating foods that give you bad breath, such as onions and garlic, can help your eyes’ lenses.  These foods have sulfur, lecithin and cysteine.  Capers and shallots also have these nutrients, and they do not have the side effects of garlic and onions.

Go Fishing…In Cold Water

Cold water fish have several fatty acids, including DHA.  DHA helps all cell membranes, including those in the eyes.  Salmon, sardines, cod and mackerel all have DHA.  In addition to DHA, many of these fish have omega-3 fatty acids, which are regarded as another healthy fat.


People sleep because their bodies need rest, and eyes are part of the body.  Eyes benefit from sleep, just as every part of the body does.  Even though they move rapidly at the advanced stage of sleep (the REMS cycle), aiming for at least seven to eight hours of shuteye a night can help the eyes.

Take Breaks During the Day

Many people work on computers for most of their day.  Even those who use a computer sparingly can easily spend several hours on one each day.  Taking a break every hour can help ease the strain on one’s eyes.  People should be intentional about periodically looking away from their computer screen for several minutes.

Exercise the Eyes

Like any muscle, eyes can benefit from exercise.  Warming them with one’s palms, after rubbing the palms together, can help the eyes relax.  Rolling them several times clockwise and counterclockwise is also helpful.  The eyeball should not be massaged, but the temples can be gently massaged.  Finally, focusing on a specific point while it moves toward and away from your eyes is good.  Try holding your finger out at arm’s length, focusing on it and moving it towards your nose.  Then move it back out and repeat.

These are some suggestions for naturally maintaining one’s eye sight.  In some cases, they might help improve vision or delay age-related vision problems.  In every case, they make one’s eyes happier.

Jamie Lechler writes for EZContactsUSA, which helps people find the right contacts.  More information about vision-related health is available here.


Ways of Balancing Adrenal Glands For Better Energy Level

Adrenal glands are one the most important glands of human body. The glands are associated with betterment of metabolic functions. The secretion of adrenal results in epinephrine, and neurotransmitters, which help in producing steroids and syndromes for problems like, the secretion of sex hormones. These glands are responsible for the functions such as responding to stress, controlling of blood pressure, and fluid and blood sugar level.

The importance of adrenal gland is as much as is the importance of human growth hormone HGH. Any imbalance in the glands results in depression, vague judgments, low energy, and lack of libido. There are several ways with the help of which the adrenal glands could be balanced; some of the common ways of doing so are discussed below.

The first way in which the level of adrenal glands could be balanced is by making changes in the lifestyle. 

Symptoms such as hair loss, digestive disturbances, muscle pain, anxiety, compromised immune system, and chilliness show the deficiency of adrenal. You must remove stress from your life, and it can be done by avoiding all those matters that raise conflicts in the life.

Bring changes in your diet plan. Try to consume organic foods in general and vegetables and fruits in particular to provide your body with the necessary nourishment. Try to consume as much water as possible on daily basis, and don’t skip breakfast from your meals.

In your food selection, opt for unprocessed and fresh food. The packed foods come with very little nutrition and the addition of MSG makes the matters even worse. Therefore, avoid processed and inorganic foods.

Sleep is another important factor that affects the level of adrenal. Regular sleep helps regulate the body functions, and hormones are secreted regularly, thus leading to a stable level of adrenal in the body.
The inclusion of essential and specific fatty acids like 6oils and Omega 3 in your diet is also another contributor to a stable level of adrenal.

Products of white flour and alcohol along with sugar need to be removed from diet plan. Sugar works as a stimulant that makes the adrenal glands release blood sugar that creates stress. Removing such products from your diets you will notice an obvious difference in your energy level and your overall feeling.

There are also natural supplements available that help in balancing the adrenal hormones level. People taking such supplements can see visible improvement in their overall health within two weeks.

There are other supplements also available in the market, which can be used after consultation with a proper physician. Using such supplements is like the testosterone treatment for men, which is carried under the administration of an expert health care professional.

Vitamin C supplements are also another way to balance the adrenal level in the body. A physician recommended amount of Vitamin C supplements helps in restoring and balancing the adrenal glands. 

However, the side effect of excessive vitamin C intake comes in the form of irregular bowl movement, at such instances, you should stop the intake, and when the bowel movement becomes regular, you can commence with the supplement intake.


4 Home Remedies You Can Use to Heal a Sprained Ankle

An ankle sprain is something most people will experience in their lifetime since it's a highly common injury. Even though it's considered a minor injury if you don't get it treated as soon as possible your ankles can become swollen and extremely painful. This swelling and extreme pain can lead to major joint pain in the future. Furthermore, it's critical to treat your sprained ankle quickly so you can avoid repeated ankle issues.

The foot that suffers from an ankle sprain normally rolls inward, which is known as an inversion injury. When the foot rolls to the outside it's known as an eversion injury. When the foot rolls inward it causes a low ankle sprain, while it causes a high ankle injury when the ankle rolls outward. Since it can take up to 6 months for an ankle to fully heal from a sprain it's necessary to wear ankle braces and other types of ankle support to prevent further damage to your ligaments.

What Causes Ankle Sprains

If you are playing sports you are at a very high risk of suffering from ankle sprains due to the quick movements you have to make with your feet. This is especially true if you are in a contact sport like football, basketball, or rugby. Sometimes athletes have to make a sharp cut on the field and can roll their ankle in the opposite direction their foot is going. This will cause the ankles ligaments to stretch severely and eventually tear. Check a few more of the other common causes of ankle sprains:

  • Planting Your Foot Wrongly

You don't have to be an athlete to sprain your ankle from incorrectly planting your feet. You can be doing something as simple as walking down the stairs and one awkward step will cause an ankle sprain.

  • Not Watching Where You Step

You should always be on a look out for pot holes and surfaces that are slippery. These little things may not just make you fall and look stupid, they can also cause a bad ankle sprain if you're not careful. Also watch your step when you are on surfaces that have an unorthodox shape.

How To Tell if It's an Ankle Sprain or a Fracture

You normally won't have to go to the doctor if you have an ankle sprain. However, if your ankle is fractured it is definitely a much more serious injury you should contact your about.

The way you can tell if your ankle is fractured is if you can't walk even a couple steps without experiencing extreme pain in your foot, your ankle and foot is swollen beyond normal circumstances, you lose feeling in your foot or toes, you have some swelling or pain in the upper area of the lower leg right below the knee.

Home Remedies for Ankle Sprains

The best home remedy to stop an ankle sprain is to give your ankle some rest. Resting is important because it will give your ligaments a chance to heal properly without any problems. Proper rest will include avoiding any kind of activities that will cause any kind of pain or swelling. You want to make your ankle as comfortable and as stress free as possible.

The next best thing to rest in your home treatment arsenal is ice. Ice can decrease the pain, swelling, and discomfort in your injured ligaments and muscles. As soon as you know you have an ankle sprain the first thing you should do is apply some ice to it for at least 10 minutes. Once you get home you can take an iced bath to help stop any bleeding and swelling.

As I stated earlier if you want your ankle to heal properly you need to get some support. After you have iced your ankle you should immediately wrap it with an elastic bandage. Make sure you wrap it loosely but tight enough to reduce the swelling. If you feel like the wrap is too tight just loosen it up a little bit to stop any discomfort or pain.

A great home remedy for ankle sprains is to elevate your ankle in the air on a chair and then place some ice on it. While you are in this position take some kind of homeopathic pain reliver to help stop the pain and swelling. Remain like this for 30 minutes and then remove the ice and wrap your ankle in some elastic bandage for support. Do this 2 times each day until you notice your ankle improving.

With these great home remedies you can definitely get the relief you need from an ankle sprain. Make sure you treat it right away and consult your doctor if you feel your ankle has been fractured.

Melony is an experienced freelance writer and health expert. She’s currently doing some online research about yeast infections and related topics. She can be contacted through her website.

Seven Tips To Staying Healthy and Fit With A Busy Schedule

Being in shape will help everyone in your family be more motivated when it comes to outings as a whole unit rather than one or more not being so motivated by not wanting to join in. Physical activity will improve your blood pressure and it will help with your immune system to fight off viruses and etc. 

Having a physical fit body will often more times than not help in giving you a better diet as well. When you exercise, you are more apt to eating healthy. By doing this, your mind and body work together. It helps with your wellness and your overall health. No one wants to be in a position where they can't turn back the clock on their diet. Being physically fit will help with all these things.

1. Change your eating habits

Changing your eating habits is another way to staying healthy and fit. It's not always about what you eat as it is important to how you control what you eat. Watching the labels on the backs of the products in which you consume are vital. It shows you how much per serving and what is included in each serving. For instance; calories per serving, fat grams per serving, sugars and etc. If you pin point what your daily calorie intake is per day you can keep an excel sheet and mark a daily goal of what you are eating.  Then, you can run an analysis of what you are consuming per week. This will help you keep track of what you are eating. It's usually about moderation and this will help you in the long run.

2. Breakfast Don't skip breakfast.

Even if it's just a piece of toast, don't skip it. A lot of us are on the go in today's world  If you deprive yourself, you won't realize how much you are missing when it comes around to lunch. You may overeat when lunch time comes. It's an important part of day. For me, I like to call it my brain food. It gets me going in the mornings!

3. Keegel Exercises (for the ladies..)

You can also do keegel exercises if you are a lady. This will help you with bladder issues as it helps those muscles tighten up. Stretching out those muscles and joints are a good way to relieve any soreness and tightness from sleeping or just anything. Stretching is a good way to get the juices flowing. Physical activity is a means to staying healthy in all shapes and sizes.

4. Getting enough sleep

Sleep is very important to any physical healthy regimen as well. You need your rest to stay healthy. It's recommended you get 8 hours of sleep a night but if that is not attainable for you at least try and get 7 hours.  You need to be well rested in order to stay healthy.

5. Positive Mind Set

Having a positive mind set can lead to having a physically healthy lifestyle for not only one's self but for those around them. Some of the benefits to regular physical activity are that it promotes a great
physically shaped body and happiness. A good happy lifestyle and weight management overall promotes a good mind set and a positive setting for an overall added bonus. Being physically fit gives one a great outlook on life because it will give you self confidence to accomplish what you might normally not try for.

6. Setting goals

Setting some goals is another tip to staying healthy and fit. With some goals set you are more likely to want to succeed with those goals in place.  Don't set your goal so high that you can't reach it. You will want to start out with something attainable. This makes reaching goals easier. It's very easy to let yourself down if you set the bar to high so always set it at an attainable goal. For example, if you drink soda try drinking water instead of a soda and go from there! That goal is attainable!

7. Buddy time!

Another great tip is to grab a workout buddy. This should be someone who can help motivate you and that you can help motivate. Say that you are just not up to it for the day; this buddy will help encourage you to get moving can help them get moving.  And a bonus tip...exercise!

Last, but not least, exercise! Did you know you can exercise just sitting at your desk? Yes, that can be done. You can breathe in and hold your abs in and then exhale and do this for as many sets as you want and it tightens up your stomach area.

Overall being in good physical shape is a major ordeal these days and it helps fight off viruses and strengthens your immune system all the way around. It helps to give you an overall healthy mind set.

Ally St. Peter knows the importance of health and taking care of her body.  When she needed a better rate on her health insurance, she checked out healthinsurancequotes.org for the best deal!!!


Cardiovascular Health: 3 Powerful Abilities of Coenzyme Q10

With so many people looking to acquire such healthy physiques as well as overall improved well being these days, It’s no surprise to actually discover so many supplements and antioxidants being sold in the market. Many of them have amassed such tremendous levels of popularity simply because they have provided loads of benefits to consumers looking to look and feel better about themselves.

Healthy living is now predominant in modern society, and it is because of this that several companies have come up with new discoveries that can benefit individuals all over the world. One of the latest antioxidants to hit the market is called Coenzyme Q10. This has been gaining quite a lot of steam all over the news and just about every health supplement store one can come across.

Its main selling point is the prevention of premature aging, which is quite a concern for individuals these days. Considering that a lot of men and women often find themselves stressed in certain areas of their lives, they would succumb to this condition. They would see a lot of grey hairs, wrinkle spots and blemishes. With this antioxidant, they can simply do away with premature aging and be as healthy looking as possible.

Apart from that, it is also recognized to contribute to the improvement of cardiovascular health. Of course, there are many more benefits that this product can offer. Below are three of its most prominent attributes which can truly aid people in their journey towards improved health and living:

1. It improves heart conditions - Also known as Ubiquinol 10, this was discovered back in the 1950’s. It is a compound which is naturally produced in the human body to aid in the prevention of diseases and enhances basic cell functionality. People with heart problems can benefit greatly from this, simply because it can actually improve Q10 levels. As people grow older, Q10 levels gradually decrease by up to 72%. This supplement can actually improve cell production as well as aid people who are suffering from heart ailments. Some of the conditions it is known to treat effectively are congestive heart failure, angina, heart attack, high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels and many more. It simply acts as an enhancer of oxygen circulation all over the human body. It naturally lowers one’s blood pressure and cholesterol levels, at the same boosting their energy levels, through the conversion of nutrients which can be used as fuel.

2. It improves one’s immune system – CoQ10 is also recognized to be a strong preventative against flu, colds and other viruses which can take a toll on the human body. It can clear out any harmful bacteria in a person’s blood stream. It also does an effective job of boosting production of white blood cells and combats any form of cellular damage. It can truly help individuals who are known to suffer from very serious autoimmune conditions like chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia and lupus. Patients who have been treated with this antioxidant have been reported as seeing boosts in energy levels as well as decreased accounts of inflammation and pain. Cell regeneration and nutrients conversion is what makes this an effective treatment against conditions which can hinder one’s immune system.

3. It aids in the fight against premature aging – Because of its anti aging properties, CoQ10 fights free radicals quite effectively. One can expect to see restoration of his or her vitality, as well as a more stable health condition due to the improved communication of cells and genes inside the body.

These are three of the major benefits which a person that uses Coenzyme Q10 can look forward to. It aids in cardiovascular health, fights off toxins which may contribute to the growth of cancer cells and poor immune system, as well as prevent premature aging. If one wishes to live a much healthier lifestyle, this antioxidant would surely help them accomplish their goals.

Do you want to know more about Coenzyme Q10 supplements? Click on the link now to learn the details.



Ginkgo biloba is one of the oldest tree species known to man kind and its leaves are the most extensively studied herbs that are used today. In the United States alone, ginkgo supplements are among the best-selling herbal medications. It is also consistently ranks as one of the top medicines prescribed in France and Germany. It is most commonly used to treat blood disorders and to enhance your memory.

The leaves of this plant contain two types of chemicals: flavonoids and terpenoids. They are believed to have potent antioxidant properties. Antioxidants are substances that are used to scavenge compounds in the body that damage your cell membranes, mess with your DNA, or even cause cell death. Flavonoids are plant-based antioxidants while terpenoids improve blood flow and reduce the stickiness of platelets.

Ginkgo biloba is one of the oldest living tree species. One tree can live as long as 1,000 years and grow up to 120 feet! It has short branches with fan-shaped leaves. It also produces inedible fruits that release a strong odor. The fruit is inedible because it contains an inner seed that has been reported to cause human poisoning. You can normally find these trees planted along many urban streets in the United States.

This tree is widely used in Europe and the United States for the treatment of dementia. It was first used because it increased blood flow to the brain, and now studies suggest that it may protect nerve cells that are damaged from dementia or Alzheimer’s. It has been found that ginkgo has a positive effect on your memory and thinking in people suffering with the above diseases.

Gingko is known as a “brain herb”. It has been shown to help those suffering from dementia and Alzheimer’s, but it is not known if it helps healthy people who have age-related memory problems. Some studies have shown that it has slight effects, while others have shown no effect whatsoever. Ginkgo is commonly added to nutrition bars, soft drinks, and fruit smoothies to boost memory and enhance your mental performance in daily activities. However, it is questionable whether or not the small amount of ginkgo actually works.

Due to the effects ginkgo has on blood flow, it has been linked with treatments for intermittent claudication (pain caused by reduced blood flow to the legs). People with this disease usually have a hard time walking without feeling extreme pain. A study showed that people who took ginkgo with this disease walked an average 34 meters farther than those taking a placebo. It has also shown to be as effective as prescription medication in improving pain-free walking distances due to intermittent claudication.

Another disease it helps is glaucoma. A small study showed that people who have glaucoma and took ginkgo daily for 8 weeks had shown improvements in their vision.

Macular degeneration is another disease that has positive effects from ginkgo biloba. The flavonoids that are found in the ginkgo may help to stop or lessen retinal problems. This disease affects the retina (located at the back of the eye) and it progressively gets worse over time. This is the number one disease in the world that causes blindness in older adults. Ginkgo has been shown to have helped to preserve vision in those with this disease.

Ginkgo has also been shown to help those suffering from tinnitus (a ringing, hissing, or other sound that can be hear in your ears or head). Since gingko has been shown to improve circulation, it has been studied to see if it could treat this disease. A few studies found that it might reduce the loudness of the sound. However, one showed that it had the same effect as the placebo when it was used to relieve the symptoms of tinnitus.

Gingko can be taken in standardized extracts, capsules, tablets, liquid extracts, and dried leaves that are used in teas.

Bottled Water vs. Tap Water--Which is Healthier?

Bottled water is everywhere you look these days. It is recommended that we drink eight 8-oz. glasses of water each day to keep our bodies hydrated. 

But which is really better for you: bottled water or tap water? 

Let's review what we know about the advantages and disadvantages of both bottled water and tap water before we jump to a conclusion that one is better than the other.

 Advantages of Bottled Water


One of the biggest selling points for bottled water is the convenience that it offers. It's nice to know that you can have a good supply of water to drink when you are in your car, hiking or nearly anywhere. Without the option of bottled water on hand, many people end up reaching for the nearest soda or juice as an alternative to quench their thirst. We all know water is much better than these alternatives.

Clean and Regulated

The Food and Drug Administration in the United Stated regulates bottled water production, so you can rest assured that the water in your bottle is free and clear of any contaminants. Bottled water can be kept on hand for use during times when water lines may be disrupted, such as during a natural disaster.

Disadvantages of Bottled Water


Bottled water, when used frequently, can be an added expense that some cannot afford. It definitely costs more to drink bottled water than it does to fill a glass in your sink.


A common argument against bottled water is that it is wasteful. When the water is gone, the bottle remains. Around 90% of bottled water bottles end up in the trash, which is not good for the environment. One way to help combat this is to recycle your bottle every time you drink a bottle of water.

Advantages of Tap Water

 More Cost-efficient

It costs much less to fill a glass of water in your sink than it does to purchase a bottle of water.

Government Regulated

Tap water is frequently checked for any traces of E. Coli and other bacteria. It must be tested for the coliform bacteria at least 100 or more times per month. Bottled water, while regulated, is checked less frequently.

Better for the Environment

With no plastic bottles to dispose of, drinking tap water is better for the environment. You can be certain that no remnants of tap water will be found in landfills across the country.


Tap water contains fluoride, which is beneficial, especially for children, in dental care.

Disadvantages of Tap water

Chemicals Used To Clean

Some of the chemicals found in tap water are lead and chlorine. The easiest way to ensure your drinking water is safer is to use a water filtering system to filter out these common chemicals.


Tap water faucets and water fountains can be contaminated with germs linked to multiple users. The best defense against this is to clean your faucets frequently.

We listed more advantages to using tap water than to drinking bottle water; however, that doesn't mean tap water is necessarily the best for everyone. Some prefer the clean, cool taste of a bottle of water and the convenience it offers. Others prefer the more cost-effective option of using tap water. One thing for is certain: we all need water--our preferred method of how to drink it is our own decision.

Author Bio:
Guest post contributed by Victoria, for Glebe Dental Group. Victoria is a  and freelance writer. She enjoys writing about the basics of health and wellness.


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