
How to get rid of a cough and cold - 10 home remedies you can use

With the climate change that the earth currently goes through, it is inevitable to acquire diseases – mostly cough and colds. Both cough and colds can either be caused by bacteria or virus and are spread through droplets. Since it can be easily transmitted, early treatment must be done. What are the effective treatment for cough and colds?

When we have had cough and colds for a few days already, we start buying over-the-counter medications, such as cough suppressants, corticosteroids, and antibiotics, as treatment. 

These medications can cost really high, too. Just consider the antibiotics – They must be taken up to 7 days, regardless if the cough and cold symptoms have already subsided earlier than 7 days. If you are having financial difficulties, then utilize natural remedies instead. 

Here are 10 effective home remedies that can be used as treatment for cough and colds:

Chicken soup

This one has been commonly used for treating cough and colds. There were studies that they actually help in relieving the symptoms of cough and colds because chicken has anti-inflammatory factors. Also, merely the heat or warmth of the soup endow benefits, such as lessening throat’s soreness and slackening off nasal secretions.

Ginger root

Aside from giving flavor to food recipes, ginger root has been widely known for naturally treating certain diseases, such as motion sickness and headache. Through scientific research, it has been said that ginger root has also become very useful in relieving cough and cold symptoms of patients. It is recommended to shred the ginger root into a cup of boiling water, which you can inhale and drink. The steam it produces to the body allows you to become free from nasal congestion. It is also believed that adding honey or lemon juice can enhance the effect.

Honey and Lemon

Honey has an analgesic effect and can contribute to the neutralization of bacteria in the throat. On the other hand, lemon contains Vitamin C which enhances the immune responses of the body. When these are mixed together with hot water or tea, its effect will take place. You’ll experience relief from colds and throat soreness. It is suggested to drink it twice daily.

Turmeric powder

Turmeric, an Indian spice, is an effective treatment for cough and colds when its fresh powder is mixed with warm milk. It has a mild antiseptic effect and aids in boosting the immune system.

Carom seeds

Carom is a plant, commonly found in India, in which its small seeds are used as a spice. When you chew the small carom seeds, the dryness of throat can be alleviated. Its aroma also helps in relieving nasal congestion.


It has a jam-like texture and is usually used as spread. Since it contains an important source of Vitamin C it increases the ability of the body to fight against infections.

Drink more fluids and fruit juices.

Adequate hydration is considered as one of the natural remedies used in the effective treatment for cough and colds. Increased fluid intake is vital for the body system to perform at its optimum, and can also help in loosening secretions, thus preventing nasal congestion and productive coughing.

Saline solution

Gargling salt water greatly contributes to relief of sore throat, which is the common symptom of cough and colds.

Ensure humidity.

Since cough and cold viruses flourish during winter because of the dry air, it is better to humidify the environment. A humidified air helps to slacken off secretions.

Have enough rest.

Rest is what you need in order to conserve body energy, leading to a maximum functioning of the body’s immune system.

It is indeed a good thing that natural remedies are discovered through continuous research and are found effective. Nonetheless the proper preparation of these remedies must be taken into account to prevent untoward effects. Consult the doctor if your cough and colds haven’t been relieved for more than a week to determine proper treatment.


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