
Anemia in Pregnancy and Best Foods to Eat While Pregnant

Iron deficiency anemia is a common blood disorder when it comes to pregnancy. It may be caused by many factors. If there is not enough intake of iron through food or your body is for some reason, unable to absorb iron, it is possible that you will develop iron deficiency anemia.  A woman’s body has an increased need for iron during pregnancy and it is very important for the future mother as well as the baby to satisfy those needs. 

Pregnancy is a specific condition in which a woman must follow a healthy diet to avoid complications. During pregnancy, the mother’s body has an increased amount of blood and that increases the needs for iron and vitamins for the production of hemoglobin. Not only does the mother have an increased need for iron, but the fetus needs it as well, in order to develop into a strong and healthy baby.

If it is not treated, iron deficiency anemia can lead to serious complications such as massive blood loss during delivery, premature labor and even prenatal mortality. The needs for iron are the highest in the third trimester, and therefore it is crucial that the mother takes iron supplements in addition to healthy nutrition.

Iron is an important micronutrient for the baby’s neurological and physical development. If you suspect that you have anemia, it is important that you see a doctor as soon as possible. Your doctor will perform tests to check your body’s hemoglobin levels and make a complete count of red blood cells in your plasma.

There are several factors that may be the cause of iron deficiency anemia. It is possible you will have it if:
-You do not receive enough iron through nutrition,
- Your second pregnancy followed the first one in a short period of time,
- You are pregnant with two children and more.

The symptoms of iron deficiency anemia include: tiredness, weakness, paleness of the skin, breath shortage, difficulties in concentrating and rapid heartbeat.

Iron rich foods: The best way to prevent iron deficiency anemia

Iron is a mineral found in red blood cells, as a part of hemoglobin which is important for carrying oxygen throughout the body. If there is not enough iron, then there is not enough hemoglobin and this leaves the mother and the baby vulnerable since there is not enough oxygen carried throughout the mother’s body. The mother’s organism therefore needs iron which can mainly be found in iron rich foods. The daily dose of iron that a person should receive is 27 mg.

Healthy nutrition is the best way to prevent pregnancy related anemia. There are many groceries nowadays which can contribute to your recommended daily dose of iron. These foods include: red meat, fish, turkey and chicken. Iron can also be found in vegetables and fruits such as: broccoli, parsley, brussel sprouts, dried figs, prunes and apricots.

Today, there are many iron fortified foods that also help with anemia and these include: cereals, bread, rice, and pasta. Cereals are a good source of iron but it should be noted that they also contain phytates which slow down the absorption of iron and this is why they should not be consumed in combination with other iron rich foods. You should also limit the consummation of spinach because it also decreases the absorption of iron although it is considered to be a good source of iron.

The best way to treat anemia is to consume vitamin C in addition to healthy nutrition because it helps with the absorption of iron. You should avoid consuming coffee and tea because they have a negative effect on your body’s iron absorption. You can also use iron supplements and prenatal vitamins prescribed by your doctor and it is important that you do not stop taking them even if you feel better because the condition will not be fully treated then.


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