
How To Quit Smoking Your Way

Small Steps

Opinion is very different amongst individuals and groups as to how difficult it actually is to give up smoking. This is partly led by the vast differences in experiences between those people who have managed to quit, or are still struggling to do so. The spectrum of quitting smoking is vast, from those who managed to kick the habit “cold turkey”, to those who have successfully benefited from smoking cessation treatment, and finally to those who have tried everything under the sun, yet still can’t help but light up. 

With such a vast range of possibilities available, you are probably wondering how can you possibly know which methods are best?

The easiest way to begin is to make the commitment to quitting in the first place. Much like alcoholism, admitting there is a problem is the most important step as you begin the recovery process.

Researching Ways To Stop

Most books on smoking cessation will look at the psychological aspect of the process, and while they can be a help they will ultimately not look too much at other ways you can make kicking the habit easier.

In the UK, electric cigarettes are becoming a more well-known and popular method for people to use who are looking to stop smoking. There are many benefits to using an electric cigarette against other smoking cessation methods. While other treatments, such as nicotine patches and gum, provide the user with their nicotine “fix” to reduce cravings and the likelihood of the user smoking a cigarette, electric cigarettes go a step further than this. 

As we mentioned earlier, quitting smoking can be a psychologically demanding task, and an electric cigarette helps in this respect. Electric cigarettes mimic the experience and the actual act of smoking, meaning those who find the nicotine withdrawal easy, but miss the routine of having a cigarette, have a coping mechanism to help them move forward.

There are many companies which sell electric cigarettes in the UK, so it is quite an easy method to get on board with. You should always consult with your doctor, especially if you are currently working on another way of quitting smoking.

Smoking Cessation Methods

Electric cigarettes are one of many methods to help you quit smoking, but is likely to be one that you haven’t tried. If you are looking to make your first attempt at smoking, why not make an electric cigarette your first treatment choice, and begin to feel the immediate health benefits now, as well as in the long term.

Jasper and Jasper offers an alternative to smoking tobacco by producing and selling electric cigarettes


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