
Digestive Disorders Gastritis - Causes, Symptoms and Natural Treatment

Gastritis is the swelling, irritation, or the erosion of the lining of your stomach. When your stomach lining is inflamed, it stops producing a lot of helpful acid, enzymes, and mucus. It either occurs very quickly or it can take a long period of time. If this is not treated immediately, it may last for many years or even your entire life!


Gastritis can be caused by abusing any kind of alcoholic drink, frequent vomiting, intense stress, or by the use of medications such as aspirin. It can also be caused by bacteria such as H. pylori, anemia, bile reflux (a flow of bile in the stomach), and infections that were caused by bacteria or viruses. It can also develop after going through major surgical procedures or traumatic injury.


The symptoms you can develop vary amongst everyone; some may not even have ANY symptoms. The most common symptoms are the following:

• Nausea
• Bloating in the abdomen
• Pain in the abdomen
• Vomiting (blood or material that looks similar to coffee grounds)
• Indigestion
• Burning feeling in your stomach between meals or while you are sleeping
• Frequent hiccups
• Loss of appetite
• Black or tarry stool


If you believe that you have gastritis please see your doctor immediately! He will go over your family’s medical history, perform an examination, and may recommend any or all of the following tests:

• Upper Endoscopy
• Blood tests
• Stool test


Remedy #1: Remove all dairy products from your diet until the gastritis passes!

Remedy #2: Drink 8 FULL glasses of water every day! It is recommended that they are in large glasses instead of regular sized ones.

Remedy #3: Chew licorice for 30 minutes before every meal. It is used to treat stomach ulcers and it will help to heal your gastrointestinal tract!

Remedy #4: Eat artichokes whenever you feel any pain in your abdomen! It will also help to relieve vomiting and nausea that you may experience.

Remedy #5: Ginger: It relieves all of the symptoms of gastritis including indigestion and gas. It will take affect very quickly and heal your stomach and intestinal tissue. It is also a natural antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, and an antibacterial.

Remedy #6: Goldenseal will destroy all of the bacteria that are causing gastritis and also help to heal any stomach ulcers and inflammation you may be experiencing as well!

Remedy #7: Eating marshmallows will help to relieve any nausea, indigestion, and stomach ulcers that may be occurring in your body due to the gastritis!

Remedy #8: Peppermint contains menthol which will help to relieve indigestion and stomach ulcers caused by this illness.

Remedy #9: Eating papaya fruit will help restore the enzymes that your body is missing due to the inflammation in your stomach.

Remedy #10: Drinking bitter chamomile will help to relieve gastritis that is caused by stress.

Remedy #11: Chewing fennel seeds is a treatment used by the Indians. It will soothe the stomach, improve your digestion, lessen the amount of gas you release, and remove any excess acid that may be hiding in your stomach.

Remedy #12: Have a banana as soon as you wake up in the morning and quickly follow it with milk. It will help to reduce the acid in your stomach within a few days.

Remedy #13: Have a glass of orange juice complete with roasted cumin seeds and salt. It will help to provide an immense amount of relief for those suffering with gastritis.

Remedy #14: Rhubarb is mostly efficient in children that are suffering from gastritis. It will help reduce the amount of acid in your stomach.


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